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Find below the latest research paper which is a joint effort between the SARRA and S.V.University (SVU), Tirupati.


Dr. Cho Han Kyu, Father of Natural Farming
Higher Yield
Low Cost
Bigger Size
Better Quality
Respect for Life
Great Taste
Environment Friendly
Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO)
Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)
Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)
Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN)
Fish Amino Acid (FAA)
Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)
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Destruction of Soil Indigenous Microorganisms
Use of NPK fertilizers, Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides
Contamination by industrial waste
Natural Farming Revitalizes the Soil
Collects and cultures indigenous microorganisms (IMOs) and reintroduces them into soil
Provides optimal living environment for microorganisms
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Natural Farming FAQ

What is Natural Farming (NF)?

Science for the poor, technology for human and philosophy for all

"Natural Farming is an innovative new method of farming that utilizes the nature's powers for maximum performance rather than human intervention. Natural Farming uses natural materials instead of chemicals as its unique inputs. Materials are locally available and cheap, and the farming inputs are made by the farmers instead of being purchased from the market; thus lowering cost for the farmers and converting waste into resources. It does not use herbicide, pesticide, antibiotic, hormones or other artificial chemicals. It also does not till the land with machines. Natural Farming is practiced in over twenty countries, recognized of its strength to produce more at less cost. Being "farmer-friendly," it is also being used as a tool to improve the living of the poor farmers in the world."

By Cho Han Kyu

What is NOT Natural Farming What is Natural Farming Benefits of Natural Farming
Use of imported or artificial microorganisms Uses “indigenous" microorganisms or IMOs Safe, cheap and easy to make and very effective. It strengthens the crops with out being affected from all kinds of weather.
Use of chemical fertilizers Use of Nutritive Cycle Theory Nurtures and strengthens the crop in a natural way
Mechanical tillage (conventional farming with deep ploughing) Use of Nature’s Tillers (aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungi, mole crickets, earthworms and moles etc.) Soil clusters that are lumped in aggregates are fostered, which will provide air and good water drainage, a good habitat for microorganisms and other soil biota.
Tilling land arduously (laborious/ strenuous) every year Grass mulching as remedy for weeds (using brown rice vinegar) Holds moisture, provides good habitat for microorganisms and prevents soil erosion. Using natural inputs helps dwarf the weeds.
Expensive state-of the art technology needed for treatment facilities in livestock management The use of microbes (IMOs) as simple and cost effective in livestock management All wastes are recycled and made use of for cost-cutting techniques. The livestock housing itself is a waste treatment facility, fertilizer producer and feed mixer.
Planting more crops in a limited area Planting with proper distance in crops and plants More yield because it emphasizes on formless nutrients such as sunlight and air.
The use of pesticides to kill pests Use of natural inputs to “distract" the pests from the fruits/crops (Eg. Fermented Fruit Juice) Pest attractants are placed away from the fruits to divert the pests. It is cheaper and it focuses more on co-existence and co-relation with the pests.
What are Natural Farming inputs?
What is Nutritive Cycle Theory ?

The Nutritive Cycle Theory states that plants and livestock need different nutrients during different stages of growth. Like humans, plants also need different kinds of food at different stages. Just as a baby can only eat baby food, young plants or animals can only be fed with nutrients that are appropriate for their age. The Nutritive Cycle guides farmers in obtaining the best results from their crops and avoiding disease to their crops through proper nutrient management.

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What are IMOs ?

Indigenous Microorganisms (IMOs) are organisms that have lived in harmony with the soil in a particular region.

Microorganisms have two major functions in farming:
Microorganisms decompose complex organic compounds such as dead bodies of plants and animals and wastes into nutrients, making them easily absorbable by plants.
They can create compounds such as antibiotic substances, enzymes and lactic acids that can suppress various diseases and promote healthy soil conditions.

IMOs are used primarily to create fertile and healthy soil condition that is ideal for farming and to prevent plant diseases. The microorganisms that have been living in the local area for a long time are best for farming.

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What are Natural Farming strengths and benefits?

Natural farming respecting the natural cycle of life is more than a farming technique. It is a philosophy, a new economics and a way of life.Natural Farming is also envisioned so as to contribute to the alleviation of poverty, disease and environmental destruction by providing an alternative means of livelihood and food production.As a farming method that goes back to basics using materials from nature and without force or chemicals, Natural Farming guarantees its farmers healthy and strong products needed to provide for their families and society.

Higher Yield
Low Cost
Farmer / User Friendly
Respect for Life
How to promote vegetative growth and increase the volume and size of crops?

The following treatment is used to promote vegetative growth and increase the volume and size of crops.

OHN 1 ml To prevent over growth, WCaP 1 ml : 1000 ml
BRV 2 ml For larger fruits, FPJ from baby fruits of the same crop 2 ml: 1000 ml and LAB 1 ml : 1000 ml
FAA 1 ml
WP 1 ml
FPJ 2 ml

The above NF input are diluted ratio in 1:1000 ml of water depending on the necessity the addtions are also to be mixed in the input solution

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How to promote ripeness and enhanced sweetness for fruits?

The following treatment is used to promote ripeness and enhanced sweetness for fruits.

OHN 1 ml
WCa 2 ml
SW 30 ml
Mix in 1000 ml of water

Spray above NF inputs 15 days and 2 days (2 times) before harvesting to promote sweetness and maturity in the fruits

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How do natural farmers control pests without using pesticides?

Natural Farming is completely chemical-free and environment-friendly agriculture. It developed a few methods for pest control such as aromatic insect attractant (AIA), fluorescent insect attractant (FIA) and fish odour method.

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How about poultry (and livestock) welfare?

The aim of modern poultry's is to attain efficiency and productivity that will turn out the highest profit. However, this comes with a total disregard for the chickens’ quality of life. They are raised in narrow cages under artificial lighting and heating, not to mention fed with chemicals and medicines. They are seen as mere tools of production and profit, not as living things to respect.

NF Poultry has three Purposes
The poultry will provide food for people and manure to condition the soil for the crops. In return, agricultural by- products can be used as chicken feed. In this manner humans, animals and crops will become inter-dependent.
To foster harmony among family members. A family working together to take care of the chickens and do other tasks will form a close relationship.
To rehabilitate the surrounding environment. NF poultry will enrich the land, put healthier food on the table and boost the local economy.

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How to raise poultry (and livestock) with no smell, no cleaning and disease free?

The NF chicken housing (e.g.FLOOR) is designed in such a way that there is no bad smell, no emission, no cleaning needed, and no disease. The secret is in the use of indigenous microorganisms (IMOs) formulated by Dr. Cho.The microorganisms on the floor bed will break down the chicken feces so that there is virtually no offensive odor produced.

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How widespread is Natural Farming?
Natural Farming is practiced in over twenty countries like South Korea, Japan, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Mongolia, USA and India

Fruits and Vegetables Results Gallery

What is Natural Farming? Presentation


Janong Natural Farming
Janong Natural Farming Research Institute
Natural Farming Hawaii
Natural Farming Hawaii Islands